Monday, April 25, 2011

Random doodles.

k bai!

My experience with Ambien...

So I'm an insomniac, and at one point I had to take Ambien...since I'm writing a longer blog on insomnia itself, I thought I'd illustrate a typical night.

Then I wake up and see things like "authentic pieces of eight", and "pirates of the caribbean life size davey jones" on my Amazon wishlist.  Or conversations, and emails containing a jumble of letters and words which I'm sure at the time made perfect sense to me...

It was probably best to just agree...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Biggest, most unreasonable fear EVER

Everyone has a fear of something.  Sometimes it's perfectly reasonable, sometimes it's not.  My fears are reasonable, but I thought...what would happen if I would combine these fears!?!?  It would be a swirling torment of terror and certain death in the most agonizing way possible.

Spiders are scary.  Like really really scary.  Whoever invented spiders should be attacked by of spiders! 
The cartoon guy is one invented spiders, they just formed, out of other bugs and grossness, probably from outer space.  They had the intention of coming here to eat bugs...and other creepy crawlies, then humans came around...
 Spiders use trickery to lure a person in, and then BAM spider bite.  While I haven't been bitten by a poisonous spider, I would have to say that would be my biggest fear....A huge spider, with....poison dripping from its' fangs, with needles for legs...and poison in the needles..

I hate spiders.

Monday, April 18, 2011

First post, and a thank you!

Here's a bit of an introduction, what this blog is going to contain...etc etc.  I am Stephanie, Stephasaurus, and I love dinosaurs.  I also love to draw.

I'm going to be a poster of random things, daily occurences, and funny moments in my life.  Oh, and I'm going to illustrate it.  A lot.  I was inspired by Allie Brosh to embrace my artistic talents! 
Thanks Allie (